While awaiting the release of his orchestral album, Degiheugi unveils a new excerpt with the track "Happiness Everywhere". Unlike other titles from the project, "Happiness Everywhere" is an unreleased piece that Degiheugi introduces for the first time in its orchestral rendition. Paying homage to French film soundtracks of the 1970s and nodding to composers like François de Roubaix and Janko Nilovic, "Happiness Everywhere" evokes the duality of that decade, which began with carefreeness and joy but ended against a backdrop of economic, geopolitical, and ecological awakening. The piece, with its orchestral intro followed by the sudden arrival of the beat and bass combo, attempts to illustrate the shift in mindset that marked that era.
X-Ray Production est un label de musique indépendant à Paris constitué de 4 pôles: la production, l’édition, le spectacle et la vente en ligne (vinyles, cds, vêtements …).
Notre catalogue se compose de L’Entourloop, Manudigital, La Yegros, Asian Dub Foundation, The Architect et bien d’autres.
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Du lundi au vendredi
De 09h00 à 17h00
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