The insatiable French beatmaker and digger Degiheugi announces his first orchestral project with a new album plainly titled "Degiheugi Orchestra". His abstract instrumental hip-hop has always mingled with orchestral sounds: classy strings, vibrant brass, and swirling flutes blend with the vintage beats and samples of this craftsman with an immediately recognizable groove. To mark the announcement of this new project, Degiheugi unveils a first excerpt with the orchestral version, recorded in the studio, of his Brazilian-influenced hit 'Favelas,' from his latest album 'Foreglow.'"
X-Ray Production est un label de musique indépendant à Paris constitué de 4 pôles: la production, l’édition, le spectacle et la vente en ligne (vinyles, cds, vêtements …).
Notre catalogue se compose de L’Entourloop, Manudigital, La Yegros, Asian Dub Foundation, The Architect et bien d’autres.
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